Mobile App Development Mistakes to AVOID in 2024 — TheCodeWork

11 min readFeb 14, 2024


Mobile App Development

We’re in the second month of 2024 already and mobile app development has already taken a new turn! Every day, new tools and ways of doing things are coming up. It’s exciting but also tricky because new tools are great for better app building, but they come with several challenges too. I am sure you agree with me on this.

So, firstly we need to understand these tools well and use them in the development process. But using it is not enough — you have to use them in the right way. That’s why it’s crucial to be aware of mobile app development mistakes and ways to avoid them in 2024. This will help you build an app with a great user experience that users choose over and over again.

Note that mistakes can occur from using outdated technology, inadequate testing, or lack of user-friendly features in the app. However, it’s not just about keeping up with the latest trends or mastering the newest technologies, rather, it’s about understanding the nuances of these advancements and integrating them into your app development process.

Here’s a way out of this stress — pass all your queries & development tasks to TheCodeWork and focus on the other aspects of your business.

Therefore, with new tools coming up, we need to avoid common mistakes to make our app successful. So, let’s get ready for an exciting journey in mobile app development.

The Nature of Tech Evolution

The mobile app development landscape is in a perpetual state of flux. New frameworks, libraries, and programming languages emerge, rendering older technologies obsolete. Failure to recognize and adapt to these changes can result in a myriad of challenges for developers and their projects.

Let’s have a quick look to some of the common outdated technologies to avoid:-

  • Deprecated Frameworks: Choosing a framework that is no longer supported can lead to compatibility, security, & accessibility issues. To avoid this, developers must vigilantly assess the status of frameworks before integrating them into their projects.
  • Unsupported Libraries: Just as frameworks can become outdated, so too can libraries. Relying on libraries that are no longer maintained can compromise the stability and security of an application. Hence, regularly auditing and updating libraries is paramount.
  • Inefficient Coding Languages: The programming language used for app development significantly impacts performance. Opting for outdated or inefficient languages can result in slower apps and increased resource consumption. Therefore, developers should leverage languages that align with modern best practices.

Therefore, embracing the latest technology in mobile development is not merely a choice; it’s a necessity. Remember, avoiding outdated technology choices is a foundational step toward ensuring longevity, security, and competitiveness.

Book a free consultation session with us to learn more!

Mistakes to avoid in Mobile App Development

Here are some of our findings on the app development mistakes to avoid this year. Let’s get started!

1. Inefficient Coding

In the world of programming, the efficiency of a coding language can make a big difference. When we talk about “ inefficient coding languages “, we’re referring to languages that may require more resources. For example, some languages might take longer to execute certain operations. This could be due to the way the language is designed, or how it interacts with the system.

Let’s explore the pitfalls of inefficient coding languages and the importance of making good choices:

  • Performance Bottlenecks: Some coding languages may lack the optimization required for resource-intensive tasks, leading to slower app performance. This will result in user frustration and diminish user experience.

Before selecting a coding language, you must conduct a thorough performance benchmarking. This involves assessing how well a language handles various tasks and whether it meets the performance requirements of the application.

However, it requires research and ongoing iterations and that’s why we recommend you to consult an experienced IT solutions provider.

  • Limited Community Support: Inefficient languages often have smaller and less active developer communities. This lack of support can hinder problem-solving, decrease the availability of libraries and resources, and make it challenging to find skilled developers.

Opting for languages with robust developer communities and ecosystems ensures ongoing support and a wealth of technological resources.

Pro-tip: Always look out for a collaborative environment that facilitates problem-solving.

  • Security Concerns: Outdated or inefficient languages may have inherent security vulnerabilities. Developing an app with such languages could expose it to potential threats, compromising user data.

As technology advances, so do coding languages. Hence, developers must be attuned to industry trends and advancements to make informed decisions.

2. UI/UX Mistakes to Avoid

User satisfaction hinges on the seamless interaction between an individual and a mobile application. In 2024, mistakes in UX/UI design can not only frustrate users but also tarnish the reputation of an app.

So, the need for intuitive and aesthetically pleasing interfaces is more crucial than ever. Let’s have a look at it:

  • Poor Navigation and Information Architecture: Complicated navigation structures and unclear information hierarchy confuse users, making it challenging for them to find what they need.
    Prioritize intuitive navigation, organize information logically, and employ clear labels for menu items and buttons.
  • Inconsistent Design Elements: Discrepancies in design elements such as colors, fonts, & button styles create a disjointed visual experience, diminishing the overall aesthetic appeal. Adhere to a consistent design system, ensuring uniformity across the app and reinforcing a cohesive brand identity.
  • Ignoring Accessibility: Overlooking accessibility features can exclude users with disabilities, limiting the app’s reach and potential user base.

Incorporate accessibility standards, such as providing alternative text for images and ensuring compatibility with screen readers, to make the app inclusive. Remember, dodging UX/UI design blunders is key to winning. By tackling problems with navigation, and consistency, you can create a UX that is not just memorable, but downright fun.

3. Neglecting compatibility testing for different devices and OS versions

There’s nothing new in knowing that devices come in various sizes and configurations. They run on different operating systems with frequent updates. As a result, ensuring a smooth user experience across diverse devices and operating systems is a non-negotiable element of success.

Let’s delve into the intricacies of compatibility testing mistakes and sort them:

  • Limited Device Coverage: Testing on a narrow range of devices may lead to overlooking compatibility issues on less common devices. It will result in a suboptimal experience for users with diverse hardware.

Conduct tests on a diverse range of devices representing various screen sizes, resolutions, and manufacturers. This ensures that the app performs optimally across the spectrum of available devices.

Pro-tip: You can outsource your testing processes to us! We have extensive wide-range experience in app development and testing across the industry. Check out our portfolio.

  • Ignoring OS Version Variations: Overlooking compatibility with different OS versions results in glitches & performance issues on devices running outdated or the latest operating systems.

Test the app on different OS versions, both older and newer, to identify and address any compatibility issues that may arise. Consider the adoption rates of various OS versions within the target audience.

  • Neglecting Screen Sizes and Resolutions: Failing to account for various screen sizes and resolutions may lead to interface elements appearing disproportionate on specific devices. Embrace responsive design principles to ensure that the app’s interface adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations.

As new devices and OS updates are regularly introduced, staying abreast of the latest trends and technologies is a must. Therefore, adopting a forward-thinking approach to compatibility testing ensures the app remains resilient and relevant in a dynamic market.

4. Overlooking Network Optimization

In an era where users demand instant access to information and services, the efficiency of an app’s network utilization plays a pivotal role. Consequently, ignoring network optimization can result in slow loading times, frequent disruptions, and a subpar user experience.

Now, let’s explore the common mistakes in network optimization and outline some strategies:

  • Excessive Data Usage: Consuming excessive data can lead to higher costs for users, slower loading times, and potential abandonment. Implement efficient data fetching strategies, compress media files, and prioritize essential data to minimize unnecessary data consumption.
  • Lack of Caching Mechanisms: Failing to implement caching mechanisms results in repeated data requests, leading to slower response times and increased server load. Utilize caching for static content and frequently accessed data to reduce the reliance on server requests.
  • Inefficient Handling of Poor Network Conditions: Apps that do not gracefully handle poor network conditions may frustrate users with constant loading spinners or error messages. Implement graceful degradation, offline modes, and optimized loading indicators to enhance the user experience during suboptimal network conditions.

As 5G technology becomes more prevalent and network conditions continue to improve, you must adapt strategies to leverage these advancements. Ensuring that apps are optimized for various network scenarios positions them to provide a reliable and responsive user experience.

So, optimizing apps for various network scenarios ensures they provide a reliable and responsive user experience.

To know more about network optimization for your app development, you may consult our experts by booking a free scheduled call today!

5. Insufficient Data Encryption

In an age where data security is paramount, the significance of robust encryption practices cannot be overstated. That’s why, data encryption serves as the guardian of sensitive information, shielding it from unauthorized access & breaches. It poses a considerable risk to user privacy and the integrity of sensitive information.

Now, here are some ways for you to avoid it:

  • Using Weak Encryption Algorithms: Employing outdated or weak encryption algorithms leaves data vulnerable to modern cryptographic attacks. Stay informed of the latest encryption standards and utilize robust algorithms such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).
  • Inadequate Key Management: Poorly managed encryption keys undermine the effectiveness of encryption, as compromised keys can lead to unauthorized access. Implement secure key management practices, including regular key rotation and storage in secure environments.
  • Neglecting Transport Layer Security (TLS): Failing to implement TLS for data transmission exposes information to interception during transit. Enforce the use of TLS protocols to encrypt data in transit, protecting it from eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Insufficient data encryption not only jeopardizes user data but also erodes the trust that users place in an app. In an era where data breaches make headlines, users are increasingly concerned about the security measures implemented in mobile apps.

Therefore, If you are looking for someone reliable to safeguard your mobile app from security breaches, consider TheCodeWork!

To get started, set-up a free consultation call with our security experts today!

6. Mistakes related to Updates and Maintenance

An app is like a living entity that requires ongoing attention and care. Ignoring updates and maintenance can result in a stagnant user experience, security vulnerabilities, and an eventual decline in user engagement.

Let’s see how:

  • Ignoring User Feedback: Neglecting user feedback can result in unaddressed issues and missed opportunities for improvement. Actively listen to user feedback, prioritize feature requests, and promptly address reported bugs to enhance user satisfaction.
  • Delayed Bug Fixes: Failing to promptly fix identified bugs can lead to user frustration, potential data loss, and negative app reviews. Establish a streamlined process for bug tracking and resolution, ensuring swift fixes to maintain a stable app environment.
  • Lack of Adaptation to User Needs: Overlooking evolving user needs and preferences can render an app obsolete. Regularly assess user behavior, market trends, and emerging technologies to adapt the app’s features and functionalities accordingly.

Consequently, regular updates and maintenance are not just about fixing issues but also about staying ahead of the curve. As we advance and user expectations keep evolving, as a developer you must adopt an adaptive mindset.

Case Studies

Now, let’s examine examples of companies facing challenges or making mistakes in mobile app development.

Apple Maps (Apple):

In 2012, Apple replaced Google Maps with its own Apple Maps app in iOS 6. However, the app was plagued with issues such as incorrect directions, missing locations, and distorted imagery.

Consequence: The flawed launch led to widespread criticism, public apologies from Apple’s leadership, and even recommendations to use alternative mapping apps. This incident highlighted the importance of thorough testing and quality assurance in app development.

Snapchat Redesign (Snap Inc.):

In 2018, Snapchat introduced a significant redesign to separate content from friends and content from publishers. The update was met with widespread user backlash due to confusion about the new layout.

Consequence: Snapchat faced a decline in user engagement, a significant drop in its stock price! And a subsequent reversion to some of the original design elements. The case highlighted the importance of user feedback and the potential repercussions of drastic UI changes.

Starbucks Mobile Ordering (Starbucks):

Starbucks faced issues with its mobile order and pay feature, as the success of the app led to crowded stores and longer wait times for in-store customers.

Consequence: The influx of mobile orders strained in-store operations, leading to dissatisfaction among customers who chose to order in person. Starbucks had to reassess its operations and make adjustments to accommodate the growing popularity of its mobile app.

These case studies underline the challenges companies can face in the ever-evolving landscape of mobile app development. Learning from such experiences is essential for companies to refine their strategies, prioritize user experience, and navigate through the complexities.

Bottom Line

To sum up, mobile app development is like a fast-moving train, with new stuff popping up every day. Developers must not only keep pace with these advancements but also understand their differences & integrate them effectively. Also, avoiding common mistakes, like outdated technology or insufficient testing, is crucial for app success.

Remember, It’s not just about adopting the latest trends or mastering the newest technologies, but about understanding and applying them correctly. The journey of mobile app development extends far beyond code and design; it’s a commitment to understanding and meeting the evolving needs of users.

By fostering a culture of continuous learning, you can position yourself at the forefront of innovation. And hey, don’t forget that TheCodeWork is here to help you with all this, leave the app development to us! Feel free to book a free chat with us to learn more.

Let’s get ready for an exciting ride in mobile app development! Contact us today.

Originally published at on February 14, 2024.




TheCodeWork is a team of innovative problem solvers, who look into various aspects of business and build solutions to simplify them with tech and AI.