Business Websites — Does Your Business Need A Website Anymore?

10 min readMar 13, 2024


Does Your Business Need A Website Anymore?

In the early days of the internet, having a website was a sign of a serious business. It was a digital storefront, open to the world, signaling that the company was riding the wave of the future. Those were the cornerstones of a company’s online presence, providing information like its mission, product offerings, and contact information.

However, the digital landscape has been undergoing shifts over the past decade. Nowadays, the rise of social media platforms and other tools is raising the question Do we need business websites anymore?

Here’s the immediate answer — YES!

Well. I understand that businesses are no longer solely reliant on websites to mark their online presence. Platforms like Amazon & eBay transformed the way businesses sell their products or services in recent times. These platforms provide a ready-made infrastructure to reach audiences. However, this does not eliminate the need for business websites.

Business websites offer dynamic and interactive ways to engage with audiences, making them more accessible. Also, let’s not forget the importance of “traditional” online presence beyond the GenZ-pleasing social media.

Now that we know that eliminating business websites is not an option, it’s time to explore the modern needs of business websites.

The Changing Landscape of Business

Nowadays, people use social media as a new marketplace for businesses! At times, they use it to showcase their products, share updates, and connect with customers. But, this doesn’t mean everyone should move ALL their marketing resources to social media.

Having a business website is still super important! A good website can offer interactive ways to talk with audiences, making businesses easier to reach. However, at times building a dynamic website can be a bit expensive. But don’t worry! This is where TheCodeWork can help you. We’re experts in building Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) for startup businesses, giving you a strong and affordable start. And once you reach the growth stage, you will have to keep updating and investing in your business, right?

Remember, it’s about finding the right balance and using each platform as much as possible.

Book a free consultation call with us today!

Modifying Business Websites with Enhanced Approaches

The keyword in business is — “ITERATION”.

As the internet keeps changing, so does the demands of the audience. So it’s clear that businesses need to change too. They need to use a mix of different ways to add to their online presence. This can be helpful!

Here’s how:

Iterating Business Websites

Various business websites can cater to various segments of the audience. This is exactly how you can spark a difference from your peers.

  • Information Provision: One of the primary functions of a business website is to provide information. You can use it to talk about the company’s history, mission, team, products or services. As a result, it will turn into a one-stop-shop where potential customers can learn everything about your business. Ugh, very basic, I know!

Now, see, depending on your target audience, and demographics, you can iterate how you provide that information. For example, if you cater to a younger audience, use the GenZ lingo and vibrant designs. But if you are targeting the boomers, go for a more subtle way of communicating. Simple!

  • Customer Engagement: You can implement AI-based chatbots for instant responses to your potential customers. The ones who try to connect through your website.

There we go with the iteration of business websites. Pro-tip being — there is always room for improvement.

Talking of which, do you want to discuss any iterations or the integration of modern tech on your website? Let’s talk!

Mobile-First Considerations

In an era where diverse user needs and technological advancements shape the digital landscape, businesses must understand the importance of customer needs and preference.

Check out the overview here:

  • Importance of Mobile Devices: With the widespread use of smartphones and tablets, users often access websites through mobile devices. Building designs that are responsive, ensures a seamless experience on smaller screens. Therefore, create designs that adapt to various screen sizes and orientations.

To add to this, having a responsive website is no longer an option, it’s a necessity. Everyone knows this by now. If you are still skeptical, hop on a free consultation call with us.

  • Page Load Speed: We often rush to build cool designs and forget the important part — OPTIMZATION. Mobile users often have limited bandwidth. Optimize images, scripts, and other resources to minimize page load times. Fast-loading pages contribute to a positive user experience and improved SEO rankings.
  • Content Prioritization: On smaller screens, prioritization should be on essential content to ensure users quickly find what they need. For example, understand the demographics of your target audience and prioritize the content for them accordingly. And this is much easier with predictive AI anyway. Need a hand?

Changing User Behavior

Users and their demands will keep changing forever. And why shouldn’t it? Isn’t change the only permanent thing? Therefore, these factors play a crucial role in shaping the strategies businesses employ to stay relevant and succeed:

  • Social Media Influence: Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are significantly shaping consumer opinions and influencing purchasing decisions. As a result, you must actively engage on social media, leveraging it as a powerful tool for your brand promotion. ( I have encompassed the details of this in the next section — Keep reading!)
  • Instant Gratification: You must streamline processes, offer quick solutions, and provide seamless online experiences to meet expectations.
  • Personalization and Customization: Users appreciate personalized experiences, prompting businesses to tailor their offerings based on individual preferences. Data-driven personalization strategies can enhance user satisfaction and loyalty.

Hence, businesses should adapt and optimize operations based on data-driven insights for resource efficiency. Contact TheCodeWork today to discuss how we can provide you the best data-driven solutions!

Integrating other apps with traditional websites

Combining social media, e-commerce, and apps with traditional websites is a smart move! Yes, especially for businesses that are aiming for a unified and complete online presence. This blend takes advantage of each platform’s strengths, offering a smooth and captivating experience for users.

Likewise, let’s explore how businesses can successfully merge these components.

  • Unified Branding: Maintaining consistent branding across all platforms, ensures that the look and feel of the website align with social media profiles. You can incorporate social media icons and widgets on the website for easy sharing and cross-promotion.
  • Embedded Feeds: Integrating live social media feeds directly into the website to showcase real-time updates and interactions. Displaying social proof through customer reviews and testimonials helps build trust.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Implementing Single Sign-On functionality enables users to log in once and access both the website and e-commerce features seamlessly. With SSO, you can enhance user experience and that is the best part of ecommerce websites, to be honest!
  • Deep Linking: It allows users to transition between the website and the app. You can use deep links to direct users to specific content or sections within the app, enhancing user engagement.

Bonus Pointer:

  • Securing Data Transmission: Protecting user data and privacy by adhering to industry standards and regulations is mandatory nowadays. Hence, implement secure protocols for data transmission between the website, social media, e-commerce, and apps.

Contact TheCodeWork today to implement best-in-class security measures for your business.

In brief, when businesses integrate social media, e-commerce, and apps with their websites, they create a unified and engaging experience. This strategy not only boosts user interaction but also makes operations more efficient and offers useful insights for ongoing enhancement.

Case Studies

Moving on, let’s explore successful businesses that benefited from hybrid approaches in their online presence:

Case Study 1: Nike


Nike, the global sportswear giant, has successfully implemented a hybrid approach by integrating a cross-platform approach.

Integration Strategies:

  • Unified Product Catalog: Nike maintains a centralized product catalog that is seamlessly integrated across its website, social media accounts, and mobile apps. Consistent product information, pricing, and availability contribute to a cohesive user experience.
  • Engaging Social Media Integration: Actively engages its massive social media following by embedding live feeds on its website. Social sharing buttons on product pages facilitate user-generated content sharing, enhancing brand visibility.
  • Innovative Mobile App Features: Their mobile app offers exclusive features such as personalized training plans, early access to limited-edition releases, and gamified challenges.
  • E-Commerce Excellence: The E-commerce platform ensures a user-friendly and secure checkout process, minimizing friction for customers.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): It allows users to access both the website and the app with a single login, providing a unified experience.


Nike’s hybrid approach has resulted in increased customer engagement, with users seamlessly moving between the website, social media, and app. The integration has contributed to a rise in sales, as the brand effectively reaches and converts users across multiple platforms.

Case Study 2: Starbucks


Starbucks, the global coffeehouse chain, has successfully implemented a hybrid strategy by integrating its mobile app, and traditional in-store experience.

Integration Strategies:

  • Mobile App Loyalty Program: Starbucks’ mobile app serves as a central hub for customers, allowing them to order ahead, and pay using the app. In-store purchases contribute to loyalty rewards, creating a seamless connection between the digital and physical experience.
  • Personalization Through Data Integration: The app collects user preferences and purchase history, enabling Starbucks to provide personalized recommendations and promotions. This data integration contributes to a more customized and user-centric experience.
  • In-Store Digital Experience: Starbucks’ in-store experience complements the digital strategy with features like mobile order pickup shelves. In-store staff can access customer profiles and preferences, creating a personalized experience for regular customers.
  • Mobile Payment Integration: The app facilitates mobile payments, making transactions quicker and more convenient for users. Users can seamlessly switch between the app and physical store experiences.


Starbucks’ hybrid approach has led to increased customer loyalty & engagement, with the mobile app becoming a central part. The integration has streamlined operations, reducing wait times and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

Now, in fact just like Starbucks, your business can also benefit from a custom-built app that aligns with your specific needs and goals. TheCodeWork specializes in building custom apps tailored to your business requirements.

Book a free consultation call with us today!

Case Study 3: Amazon


Amazon, the e-commerce giant, established itself as a leader by combining its robust e-commerce platform with custom mobile apps.

Integration Strategies:

  • E-Commerce Dominance: Amazon’s website serves as the primary hub for e-commerce transactions, featuring an extensive product catalog and user-friendly interface. Product information is consistent across the website and mobile apps.
  • Diverse Mobile Apps: They developed specialized mobile apps for various services, including shopping, Kindle for e-books & Prime Video for streaming. Each app offers a unique user experience tailored to the specific service it provides.
  • Cross-Platform Integration: It employs deep linking to seamlessly transition users between its website and various apps. Cross-selling and upselling strategies are implemented across platforms based on user behavior and preferences.
  • Unified User Profiles: Amazon’s user accounts are unified, allowing customers to access their information and preferences across the website & all associated apps. Recommendations and personalized content are consistent across platforms.


It has resulted in unparalleled convenience for users, with seamless transitions between e-commerce, digital content consumption, and other services. The integration has contributed to Amazon’s dominance in the online marketplace and its ability to cater to diverse consumer needs.

Integrating social media, e-commerce, and apps, with traditional websites. Consistency and smooth experience across different platforms have been key in boosting customer interaction, increasing sales, and strengthening these brands.

Hence, consider contacting TheCodeWork to get started with your custom app-building strategies!

Bottom Line

So, the question of whether businesses still need business websites is not a simple one! Yes, for businesses, a traditional website will continue to serve as a crucial hub for information, credibility, and customer engagement.

In essence, the key to success in the digital age is not necessarily having a business website; but rather having a strong, multi-faceted online presence that meets the evolving needs of customers.

To know more, Contact TheCodeWork today! And don’t forget to subscribe to our LinkedIn newsletter for the latest tech and business insights.

Originally published at on March 13, 2024.




TheCodeWork is a team of innovative problem solvers, who look into various aspects of business and build solutions to simplify them with tech and AI.